E46 series BMW 3since 1998 of releaseRepair and car operation |
E46 series BMW 3 + BMW 3 Cars (E46) - Current leaving and service Introduction Current leaving General information on control Check of levels of liquids Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them. Designation of tires and disks of wheels Replacement of impellent oil and oil filter Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter Checks of brake system Replacement of an element of the filter of air of salon Check of a condition of driving ridge belts Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment Check of functioning of system of cooling and frost resistance of cooling liquid Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases Check of level of oil in a manual box of gear shifting Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel Visual check of a body and its bottom Check of seat belts Rotation and replacement of wheels Condition check, replacement of brushes and adjustment of a corner of screen wipers Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging Replacement of brake liquid Check and replacement of spark plugs Check of fuel system, replacement of the fuel filter. Operation of diesel model in the conditions of winter Greasing of loops and locks of doors Replacement of a battery of a key of remote control + Engine + Systems of cooling, heating + Power supply systems, injection and release + engine Electric equipment + RKPP and transmission line + Automatic transmission + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + electric equipment Schemes |
Check of fuel system, replacement of the fuel filter. Operation of diesel model in the conditions of winter Petrol engine
1 If you felt a gasoline smell during movement or after the car stood on the sun, it is necessary to check a condition of all fuel system immediately. 2 Uncover a fuel tank and check it on existence of damages and corrosion. The sealing insert on a cover should be whole. In case of existence of damages or corrosion replace a cover. 3 Survey inlet and returnable lines of fuel system on existence of cracks. Make sure that connections between lines of fuel system and system of injection of fuel, and also between lines of fuel system and the built-in fuel filter did not weaken.
4 As some components of fuel system - for example, the fuel tank and some lines of fuel system - are in the lower part of the car, they are easier for examining, when the car is raised by the winch. If it is impossible, поддомкратьте the car and establish it on support. 5 On the raised car examine a fuel tank and a bulk mouth on existence of holes, cracks and other damages. Special attention give to a connection condition between a bulk mouth and a tank. Sometimes leakages of fuel occur owing to weakening of collars of fastening of a rubber mouth or because of damage of a material of a mouth. Examine all arms and tapes of fastening of a fuel tank to make sure that it is reliably strengthened on the car.
6 Carefully check all fuel hoses and the metal lines going from a tank on existence of weakened connections, twisting, signs of wear of materials of hoses and other damages. If necessary make repair or replace the damaged sections. Diesel engine Operation in winter conditions 7 In diesel fuel no additives are added. Kerosene addition is allowed – address to Specifications. 8 If the engine is not got owing to a fuel zagustevaniye, to start it very hard. For start: a) Remove the fuel filter and heat up in a water bath while fuel does not become liquid., or replace it new. b) Roll the car in heated garage. c) Spray fuel system hot water. d) The BOSCH firm delivers a diesel heater for additional installation. The electric heater is established in the additional pipeline to the fuel filter.
Removal sediment/replacement of the fuel filter Regularly or at emergence of the corresponding signal on the control panel from the filter water should be removed. Water is formed, as a rule, in a fuel tank as a result of condensation or gets together with fuel at filling station. It will be necessary for carrying out work for you: - The manual vacuum pump with capacity for collecting fuel from the filter, for example, KLANN LI-75200. - Boss of the fuel filter. - Sealing ring of a cover of the filter. - Capacity for collecting the water being in the filter.